Developing Secondary School Teachers’ Positive Attitude towards Reflective Teaching: A Collaborative Action Research Study
The purpose of this collaborative action research study was to develop reflective teaching practice through focus group discussions as a form of reflection conversations with nine chosen secondary school teachers in a private school. For data collection, two self-constructed open-ended questionnaires were used in this study: one before the focus group discussions and the second after the focus group discussions. Focus group discussions were held with teachers teaching English language, Urdu language, Science, Social Studies, Pakistan Studies. Focus group discussions were audiotaped and then transcribed for coding and thematic analysis. Based on that analysis, certain inferences were finalized. Professional development experience was found to be useful as participants accepted this new concept of reflective teaching with alacrity both for their development and the development of their students as well. Most of the participants described reflective teaching as beneficial to analytical skills as due this they could analyze performance and determine to be better in the future. In addition, they were of the view that it could also help develop the analytical skills of students. It is hoped that the participants’ detailed descriptions in this study will guide the selected school towards enhancing the performance of teachers in the form of better learning goals and students’ grooming so that they could be well prepared for a higher level of education and then professional education in the long run.