Recontextualization of Ideologies: A Critical Study of Tabooed Representation in Pakistani TV Dramas
Taboo is a religiously and socially prohibited practice. In a society, known for its conservative approach and attitude, several subjects have long not been discussed in a public discourse. This study explores how the media revolution of the 21st century is changing this situation by compromising and recontextualizing these taboos, as depicted through a text or talk. In recent years, the country's private TV industry has depicted some highly unpleasant topics in its dramas. The critical perspective of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (1985) probes deeply into the discourse of TV dramas to uncover the hidden ideologies behind the words in broader social and cultural contexts. To show this change, this study analyzes six Pakistani dramas dealing with hitherto tabooed topics to reveal the pros and cons of the growing ideological trends in Pakistani TV Dramas. First, the study outlines the significance of drama in shaping and recontextualizing ideologies. Second, it outlines certain salient taboo features applicable to almost every play. Finally, it suggests a few improvements in a bid to make things better.