Reconnoitring racism in Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

  • Shamim Akhter Department of School of Languages, Civilization and Philosophy, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah
  • Komal Khan Lecturer, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan
  • Abrar Hussain Qureshi Professor, Department of English University of Sahiwal, Pakistan
Keywords: African-American Women, Marginalized Women, Black Women Experiences, Male Prejudice


The present research study endeavored to reconnoiter the predispositions of African-American women by dissecting Angelou’s novel I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969). The researcher has probed into the depth of experiences faced by the marginalized women; addressing blacks’ experience in America. Angelou has productively showcased her anguishes of being a black woman in a whitish female over-riding civilization. The researcher has highlighted an assault of black female in her juvenility by all those communal powers of nature. The protagonist is caught up in the tripartite crossfire of male prejudice, white illogical hate and black lack of power. The researcher has critically analyzed the issues of women subjugation and racial discrimination through the lens of Lazar’s Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis (2007). The current research study depicts how the powhitetrash authors/authoresses have misrepresented the history of black woman but the black writers had revealed the authenticity and tangible picture of the white people. They have portrayed the images of the slavery and inequity.  The major focus is on enlightening the practices of the marginalized people, mainly Black women, and their protest against oppressors.
