Examining Disorders in Ibsen's Hedda Gabler

  • Aneesa Younis University of Gujrat
  • Ayesha Fehmaish University of Gujrat
Keywords: PTSD, Caruth, Ibsen, Hedda Gabler, Trauma


This study aims to investigate the trauma in Ibsen Hedda Gabler. It critically discusses the important aspects of trauma in Hedda Gabbler. The application of trauma theories propagated by Caruth and LaCapra is at the center of the present research. Theorists claim that literature is a means of understanding traumatic situations in the best possible manner.  This study explains character behavior patterns to show how they behave differently under traumatic conditions. The present study aimed to understand the effects of trauma on a character's life. The study is qualitative, with a special focus on antagonist analyses. The data are analyzed in light of Caruth's theory (1995) on the traumatic aftershocks that characters suffer. The term PTSD is used in the current study to outline and provide a detailed explanation of a character's post-traumatic behavior. This study highlights how traumatic characters suffer from physical and psychological shock. The textual analysis technique is used to employ in this research. The findings reveal that the antagonist of the play experiences a range of post-traumatic experiences, which lead to a very tragic end.
